youtube-new-logoJust how much time do you spend on YouTube each day? Assuming the answer is a sizeable chunk of your time, then you might be interested to hear that the YouTube experience is going to get a whole lot better. In fact, YouTube will soon be able to deliver clips that run at 48- as well as 60 frames-per-second, which ought to be the perfect platform for all of the newer video game footage which has been recorded from your new generation consoles, namely the Xbox One and PS4, apart from those hotshot game trailers that deliver 1080p resolution at 60fps which continues to leave gamers drooling in anticipation.

Of course, you will need to select 1080p resolution before you enjoy the higher frame-rate. In addition, YouTube will also introduce the ability for end users like you and I to make contributions to the subtitle of a particular foreign language video. Users are required to submit translations in any language depending on the subtitles or captions you’ve created, so that the same video is able to reach out to even more viewers – this comes in handy to help the hard of hearing out, too.

Apart from that, we all know that money makes the world go round, and there will also be a Fan Funding capability introduced, allowing fans to contribute dough to support your channel at any point in time that they desire. A virtual tip jar, if you will, and it would be interesting to see how this flow of money is regulated. [Press Release]

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