Life is full of choices, isn’t it? If you are unable to make up your mind as to which particular open world game to play between Watch Dogs and Grand Theft Auto, why not enjoy the best of both worlds? YouTube user RavenswestR1 has come up with this rather unique re-creation of the Watch Dogs launch trailer, albeit using the Grand Theft Auto 4 engine to get the job done. This recreated trailer just about nails all of the camera shots as well as angles in a perfect manner, where he has also polished up his skills earlier by doing the Need for Speed movie trailer and the film, The Other Guys’ trailer, in GTA 4, too.

What do you think of this particular effort? Top marks should be given, no? This is not the first time that we have seen a trailer of a game done up in a different setting, using either another game or playing around with a movie’s franchise, and chances are, it will not be the last, either. Whatever the case is, this is an exercise in creativity that should not be stopped in any way, as who knows where the next Stanley Kubrick might get his inspiration from?

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