watch dogs modUbisoft’s Watch Dogs is a beautiful game and there’s no doubt about that, but if you saw what Ubisoft had demoed in 2012, you’ll probably be wondering how come the release version looks different from what Ubisoft had demoed? Well perhaps Ubisoft wanted to help keep the specs requirement for the PC down, but if you think your computer can handle the graphics, you might be pleased to learn that there is a mod out there that will take your game to the next level.

Now we have seen similar mods done to other games in the past, like Skyrim, turning it in something of a masterpiece visually, and this mod basically does the same thing. However it seems that files for this mod were actually discovered hidden within the PC version of Watch Dogs, suggesting that the game has the ability to crank out high-end graphics, but Ubisoft chose not to go with it.

According to the mod’s creator, TheWorse who announced the discovery on Guru3D, the files he managed to unpack helped to improve the performance of the game too, which sounds like pretty good news. As you can see in the screenshot above, the game certainly has a very different feel to it, especially with the vastly improved graphics. According to the folks at Kotaku who downloaded and applied the mod themselves, they claim that the improvements the modder claimed were all present.

They have also reached out to Ubisoft to comment on the mod and the hidden files, although at this time of writing they have to yet respond to Kotaku’s request for a comment. In the meantime you can check out the mod for yourself by heading onto Guru3D.

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