dota 2 compendiumWhile the original DotA game was a mod made within Blizzard’s Warcraft 3, Valve’s DotA 2 has managed to take that concept and run with it, possibly turning it into a music bigger game than they had initially imagined, even though the original was pretty popular as it is. So how popular are we talking about?

Well back in 2011, Valve’s The International DotA 2 competition managed to raise $1 million, which was a lot back then, however it looks like with The International 4 which is taking place next week, it looks like Valve has managed to raise a whopping $10 million in prize money via The Compendium. Last we heard, which was back in May, the prize pool was sitting at $7 million, so that’s $3 million raised in 1 month!

For those unfamiliar with The International, it’s a DotA 2 competition. The prize pool will be funded by players, but instead of players simply throwing money into the pool, Valve has tried to make it as attractive as possible by offering up rewards. This is done by selling Compendiums where the pool is raised by $2.50 for every Compendium sold.

There will be community rewards for hitting each goal, and there will be also individual rewards for purchasing Compendiums, which will unlock by completing objectives, so in a way it’s sort of like a win-win situation for players watching the competition, and for those who are in the competition. The International will be taking place from the 18-21st of July which means there are still 3 weeks to go. We wonder how much more money Valve will be able to raise by then?

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