Speaking to RPS, Ubisoft’s producer Lesley Phord-Toy mentioned that they are planning on releasing the PC version of Unity at the same time as its console version later this year. “We’re always aiming to ship all our games on all platforms at the same time. I don’t have any specific news on the PC version of Assassin’s Creed Unity, but I do know we’re planning on shipping on all three [platforms]: Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC. I haven’t heard any news differently than that.”
Phord-Toy points out that shipping for the PC is actually harder than console. This is because there are so many different PC configurations that it’s hard to get it right, unlike consoles where their specs are more or less fixed. “On a console you know what’s in the box. Every customer has the same configuration for the most part … PCs are nowhere near as consistent. So it can be extremely challenging to try and support as many of those permutations as possible.”
In any case Assassin’s Creed Unit will be released on the 28th of October, so here’s hoping that Ubisoft manages to achieve a simultaneous release for the sake of PC gamers around the world.