galaxy-tab4-nookWhen it comes to tablets, you can more or less say that Samsung is an old hand in this particular department. After all, they do have had their fair share of tablets that have rolled out in the past, and it does not look as though they are going to stop anytime soon. Well, their latest tablet, the Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 Nook, has been developed in collaboration with Barnes & Noble, as some of the sharper tools out there might have been able to surmise based on the product name alone.

Barnes & Noble did look as though they have ceased production of their own tablets some time back, but will continue to maintain the Nook name – and this is where the Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 Nook steps in, being a world class hardware partner of Barnes & Noble. Do expect the Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 Nook to roll out in the US later this August, where it will come with customized Nook software on board, in addition to access to Barnes & Noble’s digital collection of over three million books, leading magazines and newspapers.

Michael P. Huseby, CEO of Barnes & Noble, Inc., shared, “We are very excited and proud to partner with Samsung, a world-class technology and tablet leader, to create customized co-branded devices featuring our valuable Nook reading experience and digital content catalog for Barnes & Noble customers nationwide. Standing behind these great new devices will be the power of our 40,000 Barnes & Noble booksellers combined with our deep bookselling and retail expertise to provide sales support and personalized in-store customer service for our lineup of new Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 Nook products.”

There is no word on how much the Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 Nook tablet will cost, although it ought not to be too far away from that of the vanilla Galaxy Tab 4 7.0. [Press Release]

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