titanfall-downtimeAs you might have heard from our previous report, the folks at Respawn Entertainment are hoping that they will be able to continue support Titanfall for a long time to come. That being said, does this mean that a Titanfall sequel might not be arriving so soon? After all there were rumors about a possible Titanfall 2 shortly after the game’s release.

Well according to two job descriptions spotted on Respawn’s website, it looks like the company is indeed developing a new game, although based on the job descriptions, it certainly does not sound like it could be Titanfall 2. How do we know this? Well for starters the jobs are looking for animators and character artists for a 3rd person action/exploration game.

Unless Respawn plans on making Titanfall 2 playable from 3rd person, and making it an exploration game at the same time, it hardly seems the case. Not to mention God of War’s Stig Asmussen left Sony Santa Monica a couple of months ago to work with Respawn, so give his experience on 3rd person games, we could be looking at a new IP from the developers.

We’re not sure what kind game Respawn has planned, but for now it does not look or sound like Titanfall 2. At the same time given the success of the game, we have to admit that we’re pretty curious as to what they could be up to.

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