For those unfamiliar, Mobile Suit Gundam is an extremely popular anime that has been on the air for decades. It has a huge loyal fanbase and more often than not we have come across photos of people who cosplayed the anime, either as the pilots or as the robots themselves. Now it seems that Bandai Namco has begun taking pre-orders for the watch via their online LaLaBit Market.
The watch will be priced at 18,000 Yen which is roughly $180 when converted. The watch is expected to be released at the end of September and will be delivered to those who have made their pre-orders. The watch will also be based on Casio’s G-Shock GD-100 series of watches and will feature Gundam-related colors, such as blue, red, and yellow. No word on whether it will be making its way stateside, but like we said if you like watches, you’ll want to keep an eye out for it.