mario_maker_leakDoes Nintendo have a new game that they are planning to announce before/at E3 2014? Well according to a blurry photo captured at the company’s booth that they are constructing for E3, it seems that Nintendo has a game called Mario Maker in the works. As you can see in the image above, one of the banners at Nintendo’s booth shows the words Mario Maker.

It also appears that based on the photo that Mario Maker is some kind of level editor for Mario games, meaning that gamers will be able to create Mario levels for other players to beat, or at least that’s what we’re assuming based on what we can see. Assuming that is the case, even then we have no idea which versions of Mario will it be compatible with, but it seems pretty intriguing.

Nintendo will also be holding a special event during E3 which will discuss an unannounced 3DS game, and based on the banner which shows a stylus, perhaps Mario Maker could be one of them. Nintendo has also revealed their plans for a Nintendo Direct presentation which will showcase new and previously announced games, so if you were hoping for more details of the Mario Maker title, do check back with us during E3 2014 for the details!

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