ipad-air-2When it comes to new and upcoming devices from Apple, you can be sure that there will be a slew of rumors attached to it – a press leak here, a rectangular picture over there, you get the idea. The alleged iPad Air 2 has come under the limelight yet again, where it has been put up for the world to see by Nowhereelse.fr’s Steve Hemmerstoffer via Twitter as you can see right after the jump.

It does look as though there is an iPhone 5s that is resting comfortably right on top of what could very well be the next generation iPad Air. Hemmerstoffer continues to tease the world simply by not divulging too many details about the device concerned, other than a simple “Hello iPad 6″ as part of his caption. Taking the programmer’s greeting route, Hemmerstoffer?

What is most notable about the alleged iPad Air 2 would be the silver ring that surrounds the tablet’s home button, which does provide a very strong indication that a Touch ID fingerprint scanner will be present, turning this feature into a lynchpin when it comes to Apple’s market strategy of looking at mobile payments. Do you think the latest leaked image does have points of similarities with the alleged dummy unit? Apart from that, were does the rumored iPad mini with Touch ID fit in the picture?

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