ikea websiteInstagram has a lot of uses. It can be used for personal reasons, like to share photos with your friends and the Instagram community, or it can be used for business purposes where companies can post photos of their products for their customers to see. That being said, it seems that IKEA Russia had recently hired an ad agency for a marketing campaign that cleverly turned their Instagram account into a replica of IKEA’s website.

Essentially the idea took advantage of how Instagram lays out photos in a grid, so for  every grid they show a photo that is part of the website, and when put together resembles the actual thing, as you can see in the screen above. In fact it almost functions like a website too. For example if you were to click on the photos, they will open up and will be tagged with the appropriate products.

Viewers can then click the tags where they will be taken to another Instagram account filled with the product’s information, additional photos, and pricing, all of which has been designed to resemble IKEA’s website/catalog. We have to admit that this is a pretty clever way to using Instagram and if you’d like to check it out, head on over to the ikea_ps_2014 Instagram account, although you will probably want to use your phone because it won’t format correctly on a browser.

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