In the sight of the FTC, doing so is anathema, and the near $35 million fine is the possible maximum due to sales of 285 signal jammers that C.T.S. Technology is alleged to have sold in the U.S. across the span of two years. Interestingly enough, some of these signal jammers sold were alleged to be approved by the FCC beforehand.
Travis LeBlanc, acting chief of the FCC’s Enforcement Bureau, countered that allegation, saying, “All companies, whether domestic or foreign, are banned from marketing illegal jammers in the U.S. Signal jammers present a direct danger to public safety, potentially blocking the communications of first responders. Operating a jammer is also illegal, and consumers who do so face significant civil and criminal penalties.”
Well, at least there are drone warning systems that are coming out to make sure no one including Twitter can spy on you via a drone.