bing-summerMicrosoft’s Bing is certainly not an online service that remains stagnant, as it has received improvements in the past, and this time around it seems that the Bing search page has been updated in time for summer. In fact, a couple of new features have been unveiled along the way which will come in handy for folks who are on the lookout for online courses as well as recently published reading materials. The results will be displayed automatically in the side pane, which will be more natural to the human eye to read and figure out. It must be noted, however, that search results for online courses will not prove to be useful all the time.

As for the second new feature, it works in a no-frills method as the user will be able to perform a search for books while seeing the results appear over in the side pane. Just how is this going to be different from a standard search? Well, the side pane will show up an excerpt from the book, in addition to a link to a location where the book itself can be downloaded, alongside locations of where the title will be made available for loan for students (or interested parties) to borrow. Expect the new search features to go live from today. [Press Release]

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