Assassin’s Creed Unity Banner Hints At Co-Op Mode

ConventionCenter2014_08A few months ago after a series of leaked screenshots, Ubisoft confirmed they were working on a new Assassin’s Creed title called Unity. Apart from the period of time in which the game is set in, not much else is known about the game in terms of its features and if there will be major changes to the gameplay.

Now there were rumors about how Assassin’s Creed Unity could feature four player co-op mode which would definitely be pretty exciting, and now thanks to a banner that has gone up at E3 2014, it seems that Ubisoft might have “confirmed” that rumor. As you can see in the image above (via the NeoGAF forums), the banner shows off the Assassin’s Creed Unity name along with what appears to be four assassin’s in the picture.

This has led to speculation that yes, a four player co-op mode could indeed make its way into the game. That and the fact that the name of the game is “Unity” seems to hint at that possibility as well. Of course like we said, this is all speculation at this point in time, but with E3 2014 officially kicking off in a few hours’ time, we guess we might not have to wait too long to find out.

In the meantime what do you guys make of this? Is a four player co-op mode something you might be interested in seeing in the next Assassin’s Creed title from Ubisoft?

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