watchdogs-sales-recordWe have more or less seen how popular Watch Dogs has been, where it has also generated publicity in many different ways such as a PR stunt by Ubisoft resulting in a bomb scare, but no matter how much good is shared through word of mouth from one person to another, there is nothing quite as concrete as an actual sales report. Having said that, hiccups to the Uplay login server notwithstanding, it seems that Watch Dogs is now Ubisoft’s fastest selling game to date, setting a new sales record in the process.

I suppose part of the high number of sales is why there are issues with the Uplay login server – there are just too many people trying to enter the server at the same time. Ubisoft claims that Watch Dogs has managed to sell more copies worldwide in its first 24 hours of existence compared to any of the other titles that the company has released prior.

These words are not backed up by actual figures, which is rather unfortunate, although we do hope that someone will be able to come up with the exact numbers in due time. I suppose Ubisoft would not be lying either, as they made this announcement after drawing conclusions from internal sales estimates across all platforms. Hopefully the NPD Group’s monthly industry sales report will be able to shed more light on the situation.

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