Take the Zero Series SunOyster 16 for instance – this particular solution will make use of semi-parabolic mirrors as well as Fresnel lenses, similar to the ones that are used to create lighthouse light beams, in order to concentrate the photovoltaic energy. The end result? It is 5 times more efficient compared to standard solar panels, and is up to 75% efficient, capable of generating up to 5 kWp or 5,000 annually, which is slightly less than half of what a typical U.S. home consumes in terms of electricity.
Not only that, the SunOyster intends to be easy on your pockets as well, having a projected price tag of under $7,000, which eventually pans out to be under 25% of the per-watt generated cost. It is hoped that the SunOyster will be available to normal home owners by the time 2016 arrives.