cisco-skypeThe folks over at Microsoft, who happen to own Skype just in case you were hiding under a rock for the past three years, has just announced that they have kicked off a new round of testing for a new user interface when it comes to the Windows desktop as well as Mac Skype desktop clients. In fact, the Skype team had been hard at work for close to a year and half, developing various new interfaces for the Windows 8, iOS and Android versions. Considering their work for this season has come to an end, it is time to pay more attention to the desktop clients and see if there is anything else which can be improved.

A small segment of Windows desktop users would have undergone this particular “feeler” session already, and in due time, a handful of Skype for Mac users, too, will be able to enjoy such an experience. The brand new user interface intends to deliver a clean and modern look to Skype, where one will be able to enjoy a more delightful and coherent experience regardless of the Skype client eventually. Microsoft will take into consideration the various test results and feedback received, ensuring that at the end, more fine tuning will be able to deliver a polished product that sits down well with everyone. [Press Release]

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