nintendo-wii-u-review-14The Nintendo 3DS console and the Wii U aren’t exactly “old” by any means. In fact the Wii U is expected to be Nintendo’s take on next-gen consoles, although it seems that the console isn’t exactly doing very well at the moment. That being said, there are rumors floating about that suggests that Nintendo could unveil new hardware at E3 2014.

As you might have learnt from our previous report, Nintendo will not be holding a press conference at E3, but will instead make their announcements via a digital platform. According to the sources of IGN and Videogamer, they have learnt recently that Nintendo could be using the event to launch new hardware, which will be interesting because like we said, neither the 3DS or the Wii U are that old that they need to be succeeded by something newer.

According to IGN’s Peer Schneider, “They are absolutely going to show new hardware this year, there is no doubt in my mind…I’ve heard it from multiple people now. I’ve heard it from someone who used to be at Nintendo, I’ve heard it from somebody on the third-party front.” These claims are supposedly shared by those of Videogamer who has heard it from their own sources.

Now it is possible that Nintendo might announce new peripherals and accessories as opposed to brand new consoles, so you might want to keep your hopes down for now. At the same time there were rumors earlier this year about a certain Nintendo Fusion DS and Fusion Terminal, not to mention Nintendo’s president, Satoru Iwata, who talked about new consoles, which some took to hint possible new hardware in the near future.

Either way take it with a grain of salt for now, but with E3 2014 taking place in a little over a month’s time, we guess we won’t have to wait too long to find out.

Update – Nintendo has since debunked the rumor by stating they have no new hardware for E3.

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