nintendo-wii-u-review-25According to our earlier report, Nintendo announced that they had an operating loss of $457 million and a decline in net sales which saw it drop by 10% to $5.6 billion. The company also missed their estimates for both the Wii U and 3DS console. However it seems that despite the somewhat bad numbers, Nintendo appears to be pretty positive about things.

The Japanese company has recently told investors that they are expecting to see an increase in Wii U sales by the end of their next fiscal year, which will end in March 2015. The company has estimated that they will see a sales of 3.6 million Wii U units from now until then, which is actually an increase from the latest figures which sits at around 2.7 million.

The 2.7 million figure actually fell short of Nintendo’s original estimates of 2.8 million so we have to say that they seem pretty confident of themselves. Perhaps it is because Nintendo has upcoming first-party titles like Mario Kart 8, which is due for a release at the end of the month, and Super Smash Bros., which will see a summer release for the 3DS and the Wii U version in winter.

We’re not sure if two games are enough to convince gamers to hop on board the Wii U bandwagon, but presumably that’s not all Nintendo has planned for the year, so perhaps there are new titles we can expect that will make gamers want to get a Wii U console for it, but what do you guys think? Can Nintendo hit the 3.6 million mark?

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