Ah, but that is just the start, since it will also be accompanied by an assortment of sensors in addition to a front-facing camera that handles all of its motion tracking and augmented reality applications. The Epson Moverio BT-200 smart glasses also happen to be 60% lighter compared to its predecessor, and is also smaller in size for improved comfort. Still, they aren’t exactly a fashionable pair to wear, but it does have its fair share of advantages, where one of them would be the ability to project over your whole vision while sporting inserts for different shading, in addition to inserts for prescription lenses.
The asking price for the Epson Moverio BT-200 smart glasses stands at $699 per pair, which will be accompanied by a separate control unit. Well, it is cheaper than the Google Glass, so do expect to “pay the price”, so to speak, in a different manner. [Press Release]