lebron-beats-by-dre-1024x578An earlier rumor from yesterday suggested that Apple could be buying Beats, a company that makes headphones and has a music subscription service of their own, helmed by music industry veterans, Dr. Dre and Jimmy Iovine. Many were surprised and confused by the rumor – after all what did Apple want from Beats that they didn’t already have?

While it remains to be seen what Apple plans to do with the company, it looks like the deal has since been “confirmed” in a video featuring actor Tyrese Gibson (of Fast and the Furious fame) who was apparently in the studio with Dr. Dre, celebrating the rumored buyout of the company.

According to the video’s description, it reads, “How did I end up in the studio with Dr Dre ON THE night his deal went public that he did with Apple 3.2 BILLION!!!! The BEATS HEADPHONES JUST CHANGED HIP HOP!!!!!”

While Dr. Dre did not explicitly confirm the sale, the word billionaire was tossed around several times, with Dr. Dre calling himself “the first billionaire in hip hop, right here in the West Coast”, which we can only assume alludes to the $3.2 billion deal with Apple. Many were initially pretty skeptical about the deal, but it seems that one music industry insider, Bob Lefsetz, saw it coming back in April in what many presumed to be an April Fool’s joke.

We guess now all we’ll have to do is wait for both Beats and Apple to make it official by releasing a press release, confirming all the details. In the meantime how do you guys feel about this? Are you on board with the notion that Beats will soon be owned by Apple?

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