wolfenstein-the-new-order-moon-artworkEarlier this year, Bethesda announced a new Wolfenstein game titled, Wolfenstein: The New Order. The game appeared to be pretty impressive and was slated for a release later this year on multiple platforms such as the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PC, and next-gen consoles like the Xbox One and the PlayStation 4. Unfortunately if you were looking forward to playing the game this year, we’re afraid you might have to find something else to occupy your time because Bethesda’s VP of marketing and PR, Pete Hines, confirmed via his Twitter account that Wolfenstein: The New Order will only be shipping in 2014.

According to Hines, “We have confirmed today at QuakeCon that Wolfenstein will ship next year, all platforms. Felt it deserved some additional time for polish.” Hines also confirmed to Polygon that the reason behind the delay was not just because of the additional polish being made to the game, but also because of the fact that it was being developed for current- and next-gen consoles simultaneously. Naturally this is disappointing news but since we’d much rather play a well-polished game rather than a hastily released one, we’d say that the extra few months of waiting should be worth it.

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