wolfensteinTF2webIf there’s one thing that Team Fortress 2 is known for, it would be its hats which gamers can purchase using real money. They’re merely cosmetic items and don’t add to the player’s stats or bonuses, but if you’re the type that cares about aesthetics, then it’s definitely worth taking a look at.

Now the good news is that if you were interested in getting your hands on the upcoming Wolfenstein: The New Order game, you might be pleased to learn that Valve has sweetened the deal by announcing some pre-order bonuses if you were to pre-order the game via Steam. Gamers who pre-order the game can be expected to receive two items: Die Regime-Panzerung and Der Maschinensoldaten-Helm.

We’re not sure what exactly those items are, but given the image above, there is a good chance that at least one of them will be a Team Fortress 2 hat that is themed in line with the upcoming Wolfenstein game that pits players against the Nazi forces. Additional bonuses includes the access to the upcoming DOOM beta when it has been made available on Steam, although there is no word on when that will be.

Wolfenstein: The New Order is expected to see a release in May 2014. The game was originally pegged for a release in 2013 but was delayed to 2014, apparently because it needed more polishing. In any case if you’re interested in checking it out and getting yourself some hats for your Team Fortress 2 characters, head on over to Steam for the details.

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