gold-gs5It was just yesterday that T-Mobile CEO John Legere showed the world the existence of a 24kt gold-plated HTC One (M8), announcing to the world that it exists via Twitter. What of the Galaxy S5, does it come in a shade of gold? It seems that Samsung were the ones behind this generous move of giving Legere his very own golden Samsung Galaxy S5 – although I am quite sure that other CEOs in other industries would far prefer a golden handshake as opposed to a golden handset, considering the vast difference in the monetary value.

The photo that Legere tweeted certainly showed off the Samsung Galaxy S5 in all of its golden glory, being shiny and all that. I do wonder whether it picks up fingerprints all too easily, and would it be recommended that you carry around an extra pack of tissues or a hanky to make sure that your gold Galaxy S5 remains in pristine condition all the time.

So far, we have not heard from Samsung concerning any actual gold versions of the Samsung Galaxy S5 rolling out in the future, but considering how the gold version of the HTC One (M8) exists, this ought to be produced in extremely limited quantities, if ever. After all, the asking price for the gold HTC One (M7) stood at £2,750 ($4,600 thereabouts), which would clearly put it out of reach for the average consumer.

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