galaxy-s5-preview-mwc2014-22The Amazon Kindle app is available to download on both iOS and Android devices and it basically gives users access to Amazon’s library of ebooks. Of course the experience might be different compared to reading it on a Kindle device which uses an e-ink display, but for those who’d rather not have to carry around two separate devices, the Kindle app will do in a pinch.

However it seems that Samsung will now be getting their very own custom-built Kinde book store, thanks to a deal that Samsung and Amazon have struck up with one another. As it stands it seems that this offer is limited to the Samsung Galaxy S5 but additional Samsung Galaxy devices will soon be added to the list.

What the deal does is that it offers Galaxy owners who have been referred to the service 12 free books every year. They will get four prominent titles to choose from every month, which apparently have been chosen for Galaxy owners in mind. We’re not sure what kind of books Galaxy owners like to read since that’s pretty presumptuous, but hopefully the titles will be mainstream ones at least, so as to appeal to a wider range of readers.

Samsung seems to be on a roll regarding these exclusive services. About a week ago, it was announced that Samsung and Deezer partnered up to offer Galaxy S5 users an exclusive streaming deal. They have also announced Samsung Milk Music which is a little odd given their deal with Deezer, but it’s still an alternative nonetheless. It seems that Samsung is truly doing everything they can to get users to hop on board its products.

In any case for those interested in the Kindle deal Amazon and Samsung have agreed upon, it seems that the deal and customized book store is expected to launch in the next two weeks. Hopefully additional details will be revealed before then.

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