Remember Marty McFly’s hoverboard in Back to the Future II? Well, we might not be able to stroll into any store at the moment in order to pick up a hoverboard and ride it home, but this does not mean that one is unable to experience something like that, courtesy of clever coding as well as the Oculus Rift hardware.

Developer Kieran Lord (who also goes by the handle Cratesmith on Twitter) has made good use of Oculus Rift as well as a Wii Balance Board in order to give one an experience as close as possible to riding an actual hoverboard.

Lord shared, “The way I’m imagining the hoverboard physics is slightly different to the BTTF maglev skateboard. It’s more a snowboard with a ‘virtual slope’ of the front/back angle of the board. If that works and feels good the player could just get up a ton of speed and then stomp their back foot to get the same effect as going over a jump ramp.”

The Oculus Rift hardware, when coupled with the right kind of coding, would definitely be able to help us experience new environments, as well as give even the dying a chance to be able to relive some of the more soul soothing moments in their lives.

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