Come May 20th, gamers will soon be able to play the role of B.J. Blazkowicz in Wolfenstein: The New Order where he goes around taking out Nazis. This is the latest Wolfenstein game to date and safe to say that it differs greatly compared to its previous release back in the day. In fact the game has changed so much that gamers have the option of completing missions in different ways.

In a bid to show off some of the different play styles that gamers can adopt in completing missions, Bethesda has released a new video in which players can choose to finish a mission either in stealth mode, or go all mayhem. The former will basically involve players taking out the enemy drawing as little attention to themselves as possible.

In case the latter wasn’t obvious enough, this will see the player complete the mission in as grisly a manner as possible, forgoing stealth for complete carnage, or mayhem in this case. Bethesda has been releasing footage of the game in a bid to build up some excitement and anticipation for the title, so if you’d like to check out some more gameplay, take a couple of minutes from your day and check it out in the video above.

For those who have yet to get their hands on the game and place their pre-order, you probably should because there are some pre-order bonuses that have been announced. This includes Team Fortress 2 items and access to the upcoming DOOM beta, although we should note that these pre-order bonuses only apply if you pre-order the game via Steam.

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