Netflix is one of the most popular and widely used video streaming services on the internet. ISPs have to deal with all of the traffic this service generates and the load it puts on their networks. In a controversial move Comcast started throttling Netflix speeds. Netflix then made a deal with the cable provider, it basically paid to remove throttling. The results are evident, Comcast jumped five spots in Netflix’s ranking of ISP performance last month.
In February, Netflix subscribers on Comcast received 1.15Mbps on average, pushing the cable provider down to 11th on the ISP performance chart. The very next month it jumps to fifth place, delivering 2.5Mbps on average to Netflix subscribers. It now ranks higher than Verizon FiOS as well as Time Warner Cable, which occupy 8th and 6th spots respectively. Comcast has made a bid to acquire TWC.
The streaming service says that recent rankings are “a great illustration of how performance can improve when ISPs work to connect directly to Netflix.” One might say its simply an illustration of the happens when Netflix pays ISPs to stop throttling traffic. This is a costly road, one that Netflix probably wouldn’t want to go down again, despite Verizon CEO saying that he would like a similar deal.