It wasn’t too long ago that LG unveiled its smartwatch efforts in the form of the LG G Watch. The device was announced alongside Google’s unveiling of Android Wear, an SDK that Google has developed specifically for wearable devices. Now there is no word on when the LG G Watch will be released, but it has been suggested that the launch could happen after Google I/O which is taking place in June.
That being said, it seems that LG could have another smartwatch in the pipeline, thanks to a recent trademark filing for a certain LG W Watch. The name itself is a dead giveaway in terms of what kind of device we can look forward to, but what kind of device could it be that would set it apart from the current LG G Watch? After all we doubt that LG wants to cannibalize its own sales, right?
There has been speculation as to what the “W” stands for. It could refer to Windows, Windows Phone, Women, Water (as in water-resistant, perhaps?), and etc., but until LG officially announces the device, all we can do is speculate. Of course it is possible that the W could stand for nothing and this is just another smartwatch by LG, perhaps one that is lower-cost, who knows?
Either way we doubt that the LG G Watch will be the first and last of LG’s wearable tech efforts, but at the same time we have to admit we’re pretty surprised that they could be planning a follow-up so soon. We’ll be keeping our eyes peeled for more information but in the meantime, what kind of device do you think the LG W Watch could be?
Filed in LG, Smartwatches and Wearable Tech.
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