Now we’re sure the IRS has plenty of expenses that we don’t know about, and while the IRS might be quick to catch people and corporations who try to evade taxes, they’re not so quick when it comes to upgrading their computers. According to reports, it seems that the IRS is still running computers with the now-unsupported Windows XP operating system.
What this means is that they will now have to fork over millions of dollars to Microsoft in order for the Redmond company to continue providing them support on Windows XP while they make the transition to Windows 7 which is expected to be supported until at least 2020 (we’re not sure why not Windows 8 since it is the latest). Thankfully these millions of dollars spent will not go on for too long as the upgrade is scheduled to be done before the end of the year.
The IRS isn’t the first organization and probably won’t be the last that is paying Microsoft millions of dollars to keep their computers updated and supported. We have heard how there are banks , and even health institutions, who have yet to make the transition to newer operating systems and are forking out a ton of money to Microsoft as well.