amazon-firetv-hulu-plusIt was in November 2011 when Hulu announced their support for Amazon’s Kindle Fire tablet when that particular device was launched, and this time around, the partnership between the two companies remain strong as Hulu extends their relationship with Amazon all the way into the living room through the launch of Hulu Plus on the recently revealed Amazon device, which is known as Amazon Fire TV.

Considering the living room (in the US anyways) happens to be the venue where nearly 60% of all content consumption happens on Hulu Plus, the ready availability on Amazon Fire TV would further assist Hulu’s mission of assisting folks like you and eye to enjoy stuff shown on TV the day or week before, or even original first-run programming as well as premium video content according to your own timing.

Some of the more notable features for Hulu Plus on Amazon Fire TV include larger and more vivid artwork for an easier navigation experience, a tray-style format that enables you to scroll through recommendations, popular shows and movies, top 100 clips, movie trailers and a new “Shows You Watch” feature so that you can check out the latest episodes of series that have gripped your loyalty ever since it rolled out. [Press Release]

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