oculus-rift-horseThe Oculus Rift has certainly created ripples of its own ever since it was revealed, and in recent times, we have seen just how it can be applied in different gaming situations, ranging from getting a feel of how being on a hoverboard feels like, helping a dying grandmother enjoy the beauty of the outdoors, giving you a taste of the U.S.S. Voyager bridge, and even letting you enjoy a game of Sonic from a very different perspective. This time around, it is time for some oppa Oculus Rift style with the Hashilus, a horse riding simulator that relies on the Oculus Rift to get the job done.

The Hashilus horse riding simulator will see the Oculus Rift work alongside a horse riding exercise machine, where it offers a pretty straightforward experience of riding on a horse while you are involved in a race, as you traverse your way up and down several hillocks.

The entire experience is a no-brainer all the way, since there is no steering for you to bother about here, although the controller that resembles that of a tambourine would help spur your digital ride on, as you enjoy all of the visuals that the Oculus Rift delivers in full 360-degree glory. It does remind me of the Final Furlong arcade game back in the day, although there does not seem to have a button to “whip” your horse this time around.

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