In any case to help make up for the fact that you will no longer be able to purchase a BlackBerry device from T-Mobile in the near future, BlackBerry has since announced a special offer by emailing their T-Mobile customers, informing them that if they wish to purchase a new BlackBerry device like the BlackBerry Q5, Q10, or Z10, they will be able to get $100 off.
However there is a catch and that is that they will have to purchase the handset from BlackBerry’s online shop. If you were to buy it directly from BlackBerry, it will not be subsidized so that’s something to take note of. BlackBerry has also stated that they will be working with other carriers to offer promotions for customers to make the switch.
Unfortunately the offer is only valid until May so if you have no need for a new phone from now until then, we guess this offer will kind of be moot. Either way we guess kudos to BlackBerry for thinking about their customers anyway.