
People love network attached storage or NAS devices for a reason. These devices require little or no maintenance yet they offer automated and responsive access to data on a local network while safeguarding users against disk drive failure. The only downside is that NAS devices don’t provide users with the ability to move data to another device outside the network it lives in. As an alternative users can choose to put their data in the cloud but that negates the entire reason of setting up a NAS device. If you face a similar predicament fret not, a solution has been announced today.

BitTorrent Sync is an easy method of moving data between devices. Now it supports NAS devices which can offer BitTorrent built Sync app in vendor storefronts. Users will get a simple path to access and transfer their data between devices whenever and from wherever they want. NAS integration thus retains the level of device-to-device security and file transfer speeds while letting users tap into the large capacity on their NAS devices.

NetGear has signed on to be the first partner to launch a native BitTorrent Sync application, it can be accessed right away from the ReadNAS Add On page. All NetGear home and business products running OS6 will support this new feature, even Business Rackmount Storage series gets support. Additional partners will be announced in the near future.

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