Bing Does Predictions

When it comes to search engines, one must give a nod to their ability to process trillions of signals in order to give a reflection on what is happening in the actual world that we live in. In fact, during the presidential elections in 2012, Bing saw plenty of positive as well as negative queries concerning the presidential candidates from various parts of the U.S. This particular model was looked into further by teams within Bing to see how Bing’s power is able to function as a model outcomes of events, where it could lead to predictions concerning election results or a sporting event.
In fact, in its first iteration that has already gone live on today, we see the search engine attempt to predict just which contestants will most likely to be eliminated or move on to the next round of voting shows such as The Voice, American Idol and Dancing With The Stars. In order to kick off this particular feature, perform a search for “The Voice” or a current contestant on the program, and depending on your search, you will be able to check out a carousel which offers Bing’s estimation of who is on top, the person who is in most likely in danger of elimination. [Press Release]
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