master-pokemonEveryone would love to be at the top of things, in terms of favorable rankings and the ilk. After all, it just goes to show the world that you have worked hard to earn that spot right at the pinnacle, but I suppose that the hardest thing to do would be to maintain one’s performance in order to remain there. If you think that you are one of the top Pokemon trainers in the world, then you ought to have the “tools of the trade”, so to speak, to reflect that self imposed stature. What better way to do so than with this grand prize over at Japan’s annual Pokemon tournament?

The grand prize happens to be a limited edition Nintendo 3DS XL. Let me back up that statement here – it is so limited, that there is only one of its kind in the world. Right at the front of this Nintendo 3DS XL, lies a Mega-Charizard sticker design, while your name, assuming you turn out as the victor, will see your name engraved on the back. I suppose that you can call this just desserts for whoever picks up the prize. Chances are if you leave it alone in its box for a fair number of years, there is a chance that it will end up as a highly desirable collectible later on down the road.

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