They say that the traditional newspaper is a dying breed, but there are still some stalwarts in the industry out there that remain. The New York Times would be one of them, but they have carefully mapped out their future to embrace technology by announcing that they intend to expand its digital subscription options with a couple of new apps, namely NYT Now and NYT Premier.
Basically, those who prefer to read the New York Times online or in a mobile app will be able to enjoy 10 free articles each month, with this option being made available for folks who do most of their reading with an actual physical newspaper. Denise Warren, the NYT’s executive vice president for digital products and services, shared, “We see it as three options. Essential, which is NYT Now; extensive, which is the core subscription package; and exclusive, which is the premier plan.”
This would place the most basic version of NYT Now at $8 each month, where it will carry a carefully curated selection of articles, infographics, and videos among others, in addition to daily morning and evening briefings alongside highlights of the day’s top news.
Those who want something more “heavyweight” can settle for the $45/month NYT Premier option, where you gain full access to New York Times content. A little bit of something for everyone works.
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