In fact, there has been several people who have already walked down this road, and they do not seem to have run into any troubles or issues with it, having downloaded the update and successfully installing it. Apparently, through a simple registry tweak, it will mimic your machine to be that of a user who happens to be working on ironing out the kinks in the update, where it will then send over the relevant bits to your computer.
When in regedit, you will have to navigate to “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\” and create a new key that is known as “SHWindowsPoolS14″. Follow that up by rebooting your PC and to check for new updates, where you can then see “Update for Windows 8.1 for x64-based Systems (KB2919442) – (S14 Prerequisite v01.0008)“, which so happens to be the first in a series of updates which will send your PC to Windows 8.1.1 heaven, or perhaps it might even have a different name later on.