ms-office-advantageWe have been hearing rumors that Microsoft could be working on a version of Office for the iPad. Given the iPad’s ubiquity, it makes sense that Microsoft would want to release an iPad version to help cover as much ground as possible.

Last week we heard rumors suggesting that Office for iPad could be launched pretty soon and that the app was ready to go and was just awaiting a release date from Microsoft’s CEO. Now according to a new Microsoft event that has been scheduled for the 27th of March, it has many speculating that could be when Microsoft will launch the app.

According to the event, which will be held in San Francisco, it will be “focused on the intersection of cloud and mobile computing,” with Microsoft’s new CEO, Satya Nadella, providing the opening remarks. ZDNet’s Mary Jo Foley’s sources have also informed her that Office for iPad could be launched towards the end of March, and this event seems to corroborate that.

As it stands, only a handful of Microsoft apps will be part of the Office suite, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote. While it is unclear how Microsoft plans on charging for the suite, it is speculated that one might require a subscription to Office 365 in order to use the app.

There is a chance the Office 365 Personal subscription could apply to Office for the iPad as well, since there is reference to “one tablet”, which at the moment is widely believed to be limited to just Windows-based tablets.

In any case Microsoft has not commented on whether the 27th of March will bring about Office for the iPad, but since we’re a little over a week away from the date, perhaps this is a date you’ll want to mark on your calendars and check back with us then for the details!

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