Oculus Rift might be the next big thing when it comes to video games (such as allowing players to defuse a bomb), and it seems that developers might be getting the hang of things. In fact, here we are with a video which depicts Jerry Seinfield’s apartment that has been specially recreated for the Oculus Rift platform. Known as Jerry’s Place, this is a non-profit fan project that would enable Oculus Rift users to explore a virtual reality version of Jerry’s apartment from the Seinfeld series, which is pretty cool, and I can foresee that there will be many other inspired “titles” in the future, such as the entire deck of the U.S.S. Enterprise, or how about walking through the length of a Super Star Destroyer while thinking that you’re Darth Vader?

A certain Greg Miller took a month to teach himself the ins and outs of the Unity game engine before coming up with the Jerry’s Place project. Miller made good use of Blender and actually made all the 3D models by himself. Needless to say, the virtual apartment would have its fair share of references to the different Seinfield episodes, where these will be hidden in the apartment itself so that Captain Obvious will be unable to figure it out right from the get go.

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