wiiupremiumWhat you see above happens to hail from Nintendo of Japan’s official site, where it has listed the new console pack at the ¥30,000 price point (which you can roughly convert to $300), and is touted for a March 27th release. Apparently, this particular console pack does seem to come with a 32GB Wii U console in addition to a GamePad, passes for Wii Sports Club events Tennis, Bowling and Golf, in addition to a WiiMote controller and a wrist strap. Has Nintendo actually replaced the standard premium pack with this particular one?

After all, the standard Premium pack does not arrive with any game, which is something that this new deal does. When Nintendo was contacted concerning this particular bundle, it does seem as though that this is just a Japan-only announcement, and nothing similar will be introduced to other parts of the world – or in the UK at the very least. Fret not then, this means Nintendo has not yet ceased production of its 32GB Premium Wii U console packs in order to roll out this new bundle. What do you think of the Japan only bundle that comes with passes for Wii Sports Club events Tennis, Bowling and Golf, do you think that it will be able to sell well?

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