Facebook’s Persistent Notification Bar On Android Tested

fb-persistentFacebook, being a social network, has the intention of making sure its product remains as close to users as much as possible, and some of these attempts include Chat Heads on Android that will leave a hovering friend icon on your screen whenever you begin to message. Facebook Home is another attempt which did not do too well, however, since it was perceived to be an extremely invasive full launcher replacement. It looks like Facebook is now looking at the notification bar on Android, relishing in its next target.

Word has it that Facebook has been testing out this new feature that will boast of a persistent status bar located right in your notification tray. Many apps already do this at the moment, where some of them include to-do list apps, weather apps, the likes. Facebook intends to bring this idea to the next level by placing the most important buttons in a bar in your notification tray, which will comprise of links to your news feed, friend requests, messages, and the global Facebook notifications button.

Thankfully, there is the option to turn this particular feature off if it does not tickle your fancy. Only a tiny group of people are testing out this feature, and it remains to be seen whether it will arrive on the full blown Facebook app eventually.

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