bing-savesIt was not too long ago that Microsoft had already sent out invites to a select bunch of people to give their new Bing Saves a runout. Just what the heck is Bing Saves all about? It happens to be a brand new manner for one to be able to save content that is discovered while searching on the website. It seems that Microsoft has gone on the quiet to open up this particular beta test to the masses, so you might want to pay a quick visit to Bing Saves in order to check out just what it offers and the amount of time that it might save you in the long run if you are doing plenty of research online.

Basically, folks who decide to sign up to use Bing alongside their free Microsoft Account are now able to access Bing Saves. Bing Saves would allow the user to save any and all URLs which have been generated in a search string to that particular page on the Bing site. Apart from that, Bing Saves will also feature sections where folks are able to check out just which URLs on Bing are currently trending, not to mention the availability of a “public feed” of addresses which Bing thinks could be of interest to you.

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