The Sony Xperia G will be a mid-range device then, and in the photo above of the alleged leaked device, it was spotted spending some physical proximity with the Xperia Z1, or at least, what looks like it. We are looking at perhaps a 4.6″ or 4.8″ display on the Xperia G, unless Sony has magically managed to shrink down the bezel for this puppy while incorporating a 5” display instead. Assuming that the Xperia G and Sony Xperia D5103 are the one and same handset which appeared in the leaked benchmark earlier, we are most probably looking at a quad-core 1.4GHz Snapdragon 400 processor, with the latest Android 4.4 KitKat operating system in tow. Hopefully Mobile World Congress 2014 will shed more light on this device.