Sony’s upcoming flagship handset, the Sony Xperia Z2, is expected to be a high-end affair, packing the best hardware possible into the device. At the same time it looks like Sony might have some low-end devices as well which might appeal to those who are tight on cash or who simply need a smartphone and don’t necessarily need all the bells and whistles attached. Dubbed the D5103, this particular Sony handset was recently spotted in the GFX Benchmark database where based on its specs, it looks like it has similar hardware to that of the Moto G, although whether it will share the same low price point remains to be seen.
So what can we expect from the Sony D5103? Well for starters it appears to feature a 720p HD display, although the exactly display size remains unknown. In a market where Full HD 1080p is the standard and where QHD is becoming more commonplace, it definitely leaves something to be desired. It also appears to be powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 400 chipset clocked at 1.4GHz, making a tiny bit faster than the Moto G’s 1.2GHz processor. The Sony D5103 will also come with Android 4.4 KitKat preinstalled, which is good news as having the latest operating system is always a good thing. No word on RAM, storage, camera, and additional features, but perhaps we will learn more at MWC 2014, so check back with us then for the details!
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