Samsung-Galaxy-Gear-23Back at IFA in 2013, Samsung unveiled the Galaxy Gear. This was a smartwatch designed by Samsung that also ran on Google’s Android platform. Now according to the reports, Samsung is set to launch the Galaxy Gear 2 at MWC 2014, which is a little odd given that the Galaxy Gear is less than a year old. Then again the Galaxy Gear was designed to test the waters rather than debut as an actual commercial product, so perhaps Samsung isn’t too fussed about timelines. Given that the Galaxy Gear ran on Android, many have rightfully assumed that the Galaxy Gear 2 would be similar, especially since it does sport the Galaxy brand, but according to a report from USA Today, they claim that the Galaxy Gear 2 could instead run on Tizen.

According to the report, the Galaxy Gear 2 will run on a HTML5 version of Tizen, and apparently the reason why Samsung chose to use Tizen was because they wanted Tizen to start gaining some ground. Tizen, for those unfamiliar, is Samsung’s own smartphone operating system. The company has promised that we will soon be seeing Tizen devices in the near future so perhaps the Galaxy Gear 2 could help kick things off. However by switching to Tizen, Samsung would basically be abandoning the ecosystem that they have created with the original Android-based Galaxy Gear which probably does not help with developer confidence. Either way this is just a rumor for now, but check back with us during MWC 2014 for the details. In the meantime what do you guys think? Would Tizen be a better fit for the Galaxy Gear 2?

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