apple-ipad-microsoft-office-onlineFor years we have been hearing how Microsoft could be developing a version of Office for the iPad. Given the popularity of the iPad and how Microsoft’s Office suite is just as popular and used by students, office workers, and government officials around the world, the combination of both hardware and software does make sense. However last we heard, Office for the iPad would only arrive once the touch-friendly version of the app for Windows is released. Well the good news is that perhaps we might not have to wait too long after all, thanks to a report from ZDNet’s Mary Jo Foley.

According to Foley, she has heard from her sources that Office for the iPad could be arriving sooner than we think, and that it might even arrive ahead of the Windows 8 touch-friendly version as well. “According to one of my contacts, Ballmer OK’d the suggestion by the Office team that they’d bring Office for iPad to market as soon as it was ready, even though that would likely mean before the Windows 8 version.” Foley also states that she has heard that the app would see a release within the first half of 2014, while previously her sources informed her that its release would be in the Fall of 2014, so for those looking forward to some familiar productivity apps on their tablets, this is definitely something worth keeping an eye out for.

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