Gamers consist of people from different countries of different races, age, religion, cultural beliefs, education levels, and of course, gender. That being said despite girls proving that they’re just as good, if not better than the boys at video games, there still remains the stigma that girl gamers aren’t as good. Well it seems that Nintendo wants to do away with that stereotype as they have launched a YouTube channel called Nintendo Girls Club, which from its name itself seems to imply that the channel will be focused towards female gamers.
Based on the videos that Nintendo has put up, the videos seem to focus on Nintendo 2DS and 3DS titles and will include commercials featuring female celebrities, such as Kim Cattrall of Sex and the City fame. It will also feature UK TV soap opera star, Jorgie Porter, who will be the channel’s main presenter. It will also star YouTube vlogger Mandy Hynes, who has in the past received grants and awards. It’s an interesting move by Nintendo to help create a community specifically for girl gamers who might otherwise feel overwhelmed or sometimes even harassed in gaming communities which might be male dominated, but what do you guys think? Was this a smart move by Nintendo?
Filed in Nintendo.
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