monster-hunter-4-3ds-xlThe Monster Hunter franchise is one that has garnered a fair number of fans over the years, where the game is huge in Japan itself. In fact, we might just be in the second month of 2014, but this does not mean that there is no reason not to look forward to 2015, since Monster Hunter 4 has been destined to arrive in the West next year. The Monster Hunter cash cow has plenty of milk left in it – or so it seems, since both Capcom and Nintendo have come together to announce the impending release of a special Monster Hunter 4 Nintendo 3DS XL that has the nickname “Rajang Gold.”

This special edition of the Nintendo 3DS XL will be introduced in the Land of the Rising Sun later this March 27th, where it will feature an interesting gold and black design. The asking price is going to be more expensive than your regular Nintendo 3DS though, since it will retail for $185 thereabouts after conversion, not to mention arriving in limited quantities that will definitely drive up its value all the more. Of course, if you want something more kid-friendly and appealing to the little ones, you can always settle for the limited edition Yoshi Nintendo 3DS XL. Don’t you just love Nintendo and their various themed consoles released in the past?

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