Huawei has impressed us in the past with its powerful handsets. This is actually a change of pace for the company whom a few years ago, mostly released low-mid ranged devices that extremely affordable prices. Now word on the street has it that Huawei might have a new phone in the works called the Ascend D3 which could be announced at MWC 2014. The handset, based on the rumors, sounds like a pretty powerful device with an octa-core of Huawei’s own making, a 5-inch Full HD display, and a 16MP rear-facing camera. Perhaps in a bid to help build some hype and generate some interest, Huawei has recently released a video in which the title reads, “We are ready to amaze the world again!”
Oddly enough despite Huawei having an entire stable of smartphones to call their own, the video shows what appears to be an iPhone running a cloned version of Siri which describes the sort of products we might be able to look forward to from Huawei at MWC 2014. Now upon first glance, many would assume that this is an iPhone commercial because let’s face it, the design of the phone is similar to that of the iPhone, and the interface for the voice assistant is also reminiscent of Siri. Unless the phone is actually the design of an upcoming Huawei handset, this is certainly an odd way to get people excited. The video even goes as far as poking fun at Apple and Samsung, although rather ironic given the actual video itself. What do you guys think?